I no longer need my account and would like to close this.
If you no longer need to book an appointment and would like to close your account, you can request this from your patient portal.
Please login to your patient portal at https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/userlogin.php
On the left hand side, click on the Edit Profile section.
Then click the Request Account Closure button & select Yes to the Are you Sure question.
- You will then receive an email from Swiftqueue asking are you sure you wish to close your account. (This is always checked in case this was submitted in error, as once your account these details cannot be reinstated)
- Once you reply back to confirm this, then your account will be closed and your details deleted.
Please NOTE *** you cannot close an account if there is an appointment still booked for you or a family member. Please wait until you have attended the appointment to request the account closure.
- Closing the account registered to your email address, will close this for all family members.
- If you wish to remove a family member only, you don't need to close the account, please contact our Support team by submitting a ticket with the details and we can have the family members details removed for you.
- If a family member is deceased, please submit a ticket to let us know and we can remove their details from your account for you.