Where do I find the address of the clinic in order to attend my appointment?
Each time you book an appointment online, you will receive a confirmation email for your appointment.
No matter which appointment type is booked, (Blood test, Vaccination, School Immunisation etc) each appointment will receive a confirmation email showing this information.
In the confirmation email sent, it will show the name of the clinic and the full address for your chosen clinic.
- Please check your confirmation email for this information. If you didn't receive this, but have booked an appointment, please check your junk / spam folder incase the confirmation email was redirected there.
- You will also receive a reminder text/ email usually the day before your appointment (but this can vary from clinic to clinic) which may also show this information.
- If you still don't have have the information you need, please check the local NHS website for your clinic which should give you this information.
- If not, please contact our Support team who will check this information for you.
- Swiftqueue facilitate the appointments system but the information is updated by the NHS Clinic's directly for many clinics.